Ectopic pregnancy is one in which the fertilized ovum (egg) is implanted and develops outside the uterus. The most common site is tube. Normally fertilization occurs in the tube and the fertilized ovum moves into the uterus. But in tubal pregnancy the ovum remains in the tube.
The factors causing this are:
The tubal pregnancy ends in following way-
It could be acute (recent) or chronic (old) acute is associated with tubal rupture or tubal abortion causing severe bleeding inside the abdomen. The four important symptoms are:
On examination:
On examination patient looks sick, varying degree of paleness is present, features of shock are not there, rise of temperature, abdomen is painful to touch. On internal examination a mass is felt.
Dr. Witty Raina (MD MRCOG) is one of the popular Obstetrician, Laparoscopic Gynae Surgeon & IVF Specialist in Gurgaon providing quality healthcare to women of all ages.
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